By: Shannon BarrettI am a big sister, role model, educator, voice of reason, drill sergeant, motivator, second mother, cheerleader, supporter, confidant…I AM A DANCE TEACHER!
Back in 2004 when I was coaching Crestwood’s JV Pom team, a friend asked me “Did you ever think you would see yourself as a Coach when you grew up?” My reply was “I always thought I would start much earlier than I actually did.”
Why did I always want to be a Dance Teacher? The answer can be summed up in 2 words…Cathy & Jill.
Ever wonder why I say “Tell me what the steps are, don’t do them…say them! If you cannot say the steps, the message will never get from your brain to your feet for you to actually do the steps.” Well, that’s what my dance teacher told me when I was your age.

I still remember the day Cathy said those words to me. There she was, sitting against the mirrors on her leather stool. There I was, standing in my ribbed pink (yes, pink) leotard, tan tights & black character tap shoes…in awe because what my Dance Teacher was telling me actually made sense!
How many times have I told you “I cannot go out there and do it for you, you have to do it & do it well!”? Those were words my Pom Coach, Jill told us during our last practice before State Competition in 1998. Those few words seemed to bring us all together for a winning performance. So simple, yet deep enough to make us all realize, she was right!
Were all of my dance memories positive? Absolutely not!
I still remember the day that my Mom called me at my Aunts house and told me to come home. I was 13, it was May…and it was a long bike ride home. I knew something was wrong because at that age, my parents did all they could to get me out of the house. What was wrong? Did she find out that I failed my math test? Did I forget to clean the litter box? Unfortunately, it was none of the above, and nothing could prepare me for what I was about to hear.
“Cathy died….”
“Oh” was my reply. I don’t really remember much after that. The next thing I knew, my Mom asked me if I was OK. I said “Ya”…and walked up to my room.
I sat in my room for an hour or so while I let it all sink in. She was only 36…she’s dead? Is that possible? 36 really isn’t old, and besides, she was a dance teacher…she was indestructible…or so I thought.
It was about 2 months after her passing that her death finally hit me. I cried for days on end, swore I would never dance again and transformed from a happy-go-lucky kid to a sad closed of little girl whose life was crumbling around her. How does one dust herself off and go on after such a blow?
I still think about Cathy all the time. As wild as it sounds, I still see her in my dreams very now and again. I think it’s her way of saying she is proud of me for passing on her words of wisdom to another generation.
I have had some amazing Dance Teachers & Coaches in my life. I think the reason why they were so great, is because they pushed us and never accepted less than what we were capable of. They were tough and demanding, but sensitive and caring at the same time. Everything they did or said was done for good reason, and even though at the time we may not have understood what those reasons were, we knew that it was in our best interest to follow their direction. After all, they had the final say.
I think that’s what makes me the Dance Teacher that I am today. I am a hard teacher, that expects A LOT out of her students. Why? Because I know that my students are capable of anything! I may have high expectations of you, but I would never ask you to do something that I didn’t think you could handle.
Why do I yell, growl or grind my teeth at times during class? Because I care…plain and simple! I know what each and every one of you can do if you open your minds, close your mouths and put your heart into your dance! If you reach deep into your soul, beautiful things can come out in your performance.
Think of the excitement that you feel when you conquer a goal, master a skill, or face your fear. Well, I have news for you! That level excitement is nothing compared to what I feel when I see you conquer goals, master skills or face your fears. You all amaze me every day. You make me so proud to call you my kids (yes, I refer to you guys as my “kids”).
In the future, many may go onto college to study dance, some may have professional dancing careers, a few may become dance teachers, maybe even a choreographer on So You Think You Can Dance…and some of you will never put on a pair of dance shoes again. Whatever the future may hold for you, remember that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Why am I a Dance Teacher? Simple…it’s what I do & what I love!