It's inspiring to see adults who haven't danced in years or have never taken a dance class follow their passion. We love dance and are excited to share it with everyone!
Thinking of joining one of our adult classes? Our two most frequently asked questions are:
1. What do I wear?
While we do have a strict dress code for our school-aged dancers, we are very flexible with our adult students. We understand you may not feel comfortable in a leotard and tights or ballroom heels and that is no problem. For many of our adult classes students wear yoga pants and a tank top. We just ask that you don't wear jeans or anything too baggy.
2. Can I drop in to a class?
Absolutely! Want to just try one class before committing to signing up or aren't sure if you're beginning or intermediate level? No problem. We offer a $15 drop in fee for all of our adult classes.
To see our complete list of adult classes, please visit: www.MetroDanceCompany.com/Classes_For_Adults
Hope to see in class you soon!